Source code for pyrfume.datajoint_tools

"""Convenience functions for working with DataJoint"""

import re
from importlib import import_module
from inspect import isclass
from typing import Any, ForwardRef, _GenericAlias
import datajoint as dj
from .dbtables import QuantityAdapter


[docs]def schematize(cls, schema: dj.schema): """Take a Python class and build a Datajoint table from it. Params: cls: The class to convert into a DataJoint table schema: The schema in which to add the table Returns: cls: The schematized class (now for use with DataJoint) """ cls = type(cls.__name__, (dj.Manual, cls, object), {}) cls = set_dj_definition(cls) global QUANTITY_ADAPTER if QUANTITY_ADAPTER: schema.context.update({'QUANTITY_ADAPTER': QUANTITY_ADAPTER}) cls = schema(cls) return cls
[docs]def create_quantity_adapter() -> None: """ Create an datajoint adapter class, `QuantityAdapter`, that puts and gets Python Quantity objects to and from the datajoint database server. The adapter will be assigned to the global variable `QUANTITY_ADAPTER` in this module. """ global QUANTITY_ADAPTER QUANTITY_ADAPTER = QuantityAdapter()
[docs]def handle_dict(cls, _type_map: dict, attr: Any, type_hint: _GenericAlias): """Using master-part relation to store a dict. It is assumed that the type of keys have corresponding tables in the database. It is assumed that values of the dict are: primitive type which is in `_type_map` OR `quantities.Quantity` instance. Args: _type_map (dict): A map that maps type hint to data type that accepted by datajoint. attr (Any): Variable name of the dict. type_hint (typing._GenericAlias): Required to be a type hint like `Dict[TypeA, int]`. A type hint of `dict` will cause an exception. Returns: type: `cls` that contains a part class for the keys of the dict. """ # For example, components: Dict[ClassA, int] = {a: 1, b: 2} # key_cls_name will be "ClassA" # part_cls_name will be "Component", # note that the "s" at the end of the dict name will be removed. part_cls_name = attr[0].upper() + attr[1:] part_cls_name = part_cls_name[:-1] if part_cls_name[-1] == 's' else part_cls_name key_type = type_hint.__args__[0] value_type = type_hint.__args__[1] key_cls_name = key_type.__forward_arg__ if isinstance(key_type, ForwardRef) else key_type.__name__ value_type = value_type.__forward_arg__ if isinstance(value_type, ForwardRef) else value_type.__name__ if value_type == 'Quantity': if not QUANTITY_ADAPTER: create_quantity_adapter() value_type = '<QUANTITY_ADAPTER>' else: assert value_type in _type_map value_type = _type_map[value_type] part_cls = type( part_cls_name, (dj.Part, object), { "definition": "\n-> %s\n-> %s\n---\nvalue = NULL : %s" % (cls.__name__, key_cls_name, value_type) } ) cls_dict = dict(vars(cls)) cls_dict[part_cls_name] = part_cls cls = type(cls.__name__, tuple(cls.__bases__), {part_cls_name: part_cls}) return cls
[docs]def set_dj_definition(cls, type_map: dict = None) -> None: """Set the definition property of a class by inspecting its attributes. Params: cls: The class whose definition attribute should be set type_map: Optional additional type mappings """ # A mapping between python types and DataJoint types _type_map = { "int": "int", "str": "varchar(256)", "float": "float", "Quantity": "float", "datetime": "datetime", "datetime.datetime": "datetime", "bool": "tinyint", "list": "longblob", } # A list of python types which have no DataJoint # equivalent and so are unsupported unsupported = [dict] if type_map: _type_map.update(type_map) dj_def = "%s_id: int auto_increment\n---\n" % cls.__name__.lower() cls_items = cls.__annotations__.items() for attr, type_hint in cls_items: if type_hint in unsupported: continue name = getattr(type_hint, "__name__", type_hint) default = getattr(cls, attr) if isinstance(default, str): default = '"%s"' % default elif isinstance(default, bool): default = int(default) else: default = "NULL" if getattr(type_hint, '_name', "") == 'Dict': cls = handle_dict(cls, _type_map, attr, type_hint) continue elif name in _type_map: dj_def += "%s = %s : %s\n" % (attr, default, _type_map[name]) else: dj_def += "-> %s\n" % name cls.definition = dj_def return cls
[docs]def import_classes(module_name: str, match: str = None) -> dict: """Import all classes from the named module' Params: module_name (str): Name of the module (e.g. 'pyrfume.odorants') match (str): Optional regex string for class names to match. Returns: dict: A dictionary of full class names and the classes themselves""" classes = {} # Import the module and iterate through its attributes module = import_module(module_name) for attr_name in dir(module): if match and not, attr_name): continue attr = getattr(module, attr_name) if isclass(attr): # Add the class to this package's variables classes[attr_name] = attr return classes
# Demonstration of setting the definition. # A demonstration of adding to the schema requires an active schema. if __name__ == "__main__": class Stuff: """A regular Python class that does not use DataJoint. All of its attributes (that you want to use in DataJoint) must have type hints.""" other: "OtherStuff" = None x: int = 3 """type: int""" y: str = "something" """type: str""" # Set DataJoint definitions in each class based on inspection # of class attributes. set_dj_definition(Stuff) # Schematize each of these classes (will include foreign keys) from pyrfume.odorants import Molecule, Vendor, ChemicalOrder for cls in [Molecule, Vendor, ChemicalOrder]: locals()[cls.__name__] = djt.schematize(cls, schema) # May require a Jupyter notebook or other canvas dj.ERD(schema).draw()