Source code for pyrfume.dbtables

""" Definitions of datajoint tables and functions for operating the datajoint schema."""

import datajoint as dj
from datajoint.user_tables import UserTable
import quantities as pq
from pyrfume import read_config, write_config, init_config
import inspect
import warnings
from typing import Dict

schema = None

[docs]def set_schema_name(new_schema_name: str) -> None: """ Set a new schema name into the config file. The data saved into the old schema will be keeped on the server unless `drop_schema` was called. Args: new_schema_name (str): The new name of the schema. """ init_config(False) write_config("DATABASE", "schema_name", new_schema_name)
[docs]def init_schema() -> None: """ Get the name of schema from the config file and initialize the schema with it. """ schema_name = read_config("DATABASE", "schema_name") if schema_name == "": warnings.warn("Schema name was not set in pyrfume config.") return context = globals() global schema schema = dj.schema(schema_name, context) schema.context.update({'quantity_adapter': QuantityAdapter()})
[docs]def drop_schema(force=False) -> None: """Drop the datajoint schema. Args: force (bool, optional): Dropping it without a pop up confirmation. Defaults to False. """ global schema if not schema: init_schema() schema.drop(force=force) schema = None
[docs]def get_table(table_name: str) -> UserTable: """ Get a single datajoint table by table name. Args: table_name (str): The name of the datajoint table. Returns: UserTable: The datajoint table. """ global schema if not schema: init_schema() result = None if table_name: try: cls = globals[table_name] if inspect.isclass(cls): result = schema(cls) except KeyError: print("Class does not exist.") return result
[docs]def get_tables() -> Dict[str, UserTable]: """ Get all datajoint tables in this module. Returns: Dict[str, UserTable]: The dict that contains all the table classes. """ global schema if not schema: init_schema() result = {} for key, value in globals().items(): if inspect.isclass(value) and value is not QuantityAdapter and value is not UserTable: result[key] = (schema(value)) return result
[docs]class QuantityAdapter(dj.AttributeAdapter): """ The datajoint adapter class that puts and gets Python Quantity objects to and from the datajoint database server. """ attribute_type = 'float'
[docs] def put(self, obj: pq.Quantity): assert isinstance(obj, pq.Quantity) obj = obj.rescale(pq.mL) return obj.item()
[docs] def get(self, value: float): return value * pq.mL
[docs]class Molecule(dj.Manual): definition = ''' smiles : varchar(25) --- inchi = NULL : varchar(128) inchikey = "" : varchar(256) pubchem_id = NULL : int name = "" : varchar(128) iupac = "" : varchar(128) '''
[docs]class Vendor(dj.Manual): definition = ''' name = "" : varchar(256) --- '''
[docs]class Product(dj.Manual): definition = ''' -> Vendor catalog = 0 : int --- -> Molecule purity = "" : varchar(64) batch = "" : varchar(64) '''
[docs]class Compound(dj.Manual): definition = ''' -> Product date_delivered : datetime location = "" : varchar(64) --- date_opened = NULL : datetime '''
[docs]class Solution(dj.Manual): definition = ''' solution_id: int auto_increment --- diution = NULL : int concentration = NULL : float value = NULL : <quantity_adapter> mixing_data = NULL : date '''
[docs] class Compounds(dj.Part): definition = ''' -> Solution -> Compound --- '''
[docs]class Vessel(dj.Manual): definition = ''' name = "" : varchar(64) height = 0 : float base_area = "" : varchar(64) --- '''
[docs]class Odorant(dj.Manual): definition = ''' odorant_id: int auto_increment --- -> Vessel date_prepared = NULL : datetime '''
[docs] class Solutions(dj.Part): definition = ''' -> Odorant -> Solution --- '''
[docs]class Route(dj.Manual): definition = ''' route_id: int auto_increment --- name = "" : varchar(64) '''
[docs]class Stimulus(dj.Manual): definition = ''' stimulus_id: int auto_increment --- -> Route '''
[docs] class Odorants(dj.Part): definition = ''' -> Stimulus -> Odorant --- '''
[docs]class Subject(dj.Manual): definition = ''' subject_id: int auto_increment --- age : tinyint gender : tinyint detail_info : varchar(512) '''
[docs]class Trial(dj.Manual): definition = ''' trial_id: int auto_increment --- -> Stimulus -> Subject time : timestamp '''
[docs]class Site(dj.Manual): definition = ''' site_id: int auto_increment --- name : varchar(64) kind : varchar(16) '''
[docs]class Investigator(dj.Manual): definition = ''' investigator_id: int auto_increment --- first_name : varchar(64) last_name : varchar(64) -> Site '''
[docs]class Technician(dj.Manual): definition = ''' technician_id: int auto_increment --- first_name : varchar(64) last_name : varchar(64) -> Investigator '''
[docs]class Publication(dj.Manual): definition = ''' publication_id: int auto_increment --- name : varchar(512) kind : varchar(32) -> Investigator '''
[docs]class Report(dj.Manual): definition = ''' report_id: int auto_increment --- title : varchar(512) year : smallint -> Publication doi : varchar(128) last_name : varchar(64) -> Investigator '''
[docs]class Design(dj.Manual): definition = ''' design_id: int auto_increment --- name : varchar(64) '''
[docs]class Block(dj.Manual): definition = ''' block_id: int auto_increment --- -> Technician -> Design '''
[docs] class Trials(dj.Part): definition = ''' -> Block -> Trial --- '''
[docs]class Experiment(dj.Manual): definition = ''' experiment_id: int auto_increment --- -> Investigator '''
[docs] class Blocks(dj.Part): definition = ''' -> Experiment -> Block --- '''
[docs]class Summary(dj.Manual): definition = ''' summary_id: int auto_increment --- -> Publication -> Design '''
[docs] class Odorants(dj.Part): definition = ''' -> Summary -> Odorant --- '''