Source code for pyrfume.loaders.manoel_2016

import pandas as pd

# Load data about the odorants (names and PubChem IDs)
[docs]def get_translater(): rosetta = pd.read_excel("SmilesInfo2.xlsx") threeletter_to_pubchem = dict(rosetta.iloc[:, -1:-3:-1].values) threeletter_to_pubchem["MEN"] = threeletter_to_pubchem["+MEN"] return threeletter_to_pubchem
#pubchem_to_threeletter = {value: key for key, value in threeletter_to_pubchem.items()} #pubchem_to_threeletter[1201521] = "+FCH" #del pubchem_to_threeletter[16213045]
[docs]def get_raw(): # Load raw mouse data (individual mouse level) raw = pd.read_csv( "raw behavioral scores mouse 73 odorants.csv", index_col=0, header=1 ).dropna() = "odor" raw = raw.sort_index() return raw
[docs]def main(): translater = get_translater() raw = get_raw()