Source code for pyrfume.optimization

import contextlib
import io
import math
import random
import sys

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import dask.bag as db
from deap import algorithms, base, creator, tools

[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def suppress_stdout(on): if on: sys.stdout = io.StringIO() yield sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
[docs]class OdorantSetOptimizer: def __init__( self, library: pd.DataFrame, n_desired: int, weights: list, keep_cids: bool = None, fitness=None, n_gen: int = 300, mu: int = 100, lamda: int = 200, p_cx: float = 0.4, p_mut: float = 0.4, sel="selBest", standardize_weights=False, npartitions=1, ): """ Args: library (pd.DataFrame): A pandas dataframe containing odorants and their attributes. The index should contain chemical identifiers (e.g. CIDs). The column names should be attributes, e.g. molecular weight, price, etc. They can also be descriptors. n_desired (int): The size of the set of odorants desired from this library. keep_cids (list): An iterable of CIDs that must exist in every candidate set. Obviously this must be less than `n_desired`. weights (list): A list of 3-tuples each containing the name of a weight, a method to apply to the library dataframe, and a weight to apply to the function's output. fitness: A fitness class from DEAP mu (int): Size of the population (number of odorant sets under consideration in each generation). lamda (int): ... p_cx (float): Crossover probability in each generation. p_mut (float): Mutation probability in each generation. sel: Selection algorithm, e.g. 'selBest' or 'selNSGA2' standardize_weights (bool): Interpret weights as multiples of stdev of a weight function """ # Turn all constructor arguments into attributes for key, value in locals().items(): setattr(self, key, value) if is None: = BetterFitness weight_names, weight_functions, weight_values = zip(*self.weights) assert len(weight_names) == len(set(weight_names)), "Weight names must all be unique." # Number of available odorants self.library_size = self.library.shape[0] if self.keep_cids: # Get library integer indices of the CIDs to keep is_kept = self.library.index.isin(self.keep_cids) self.keep = set(np.flatnonzero(is_kept)) self.n_needed = self.n_desired - len(self.keep) # Setup DEAP fundamentals creator.create("Fitness",, weights=weight_values) creator.create("Individual", set, fitness=creator.Fitness) self.toolbox = base.Toolbox() # Describe the process for selecting a random set of items self.toolbox.register("random_set", random.sample, range(self.library_size), self.n_desired) # Describe the process for creating a single set self.toolbox.register( "individual", tools.initIterate, creator.Individual, self.toolbox.random_set ) # Says that the population is just a list of individuals self.toolbox.register("population", tools.initRepeat, list, self.toolbox.individual) self.toolbox.register("evaluate", self.eval_individual) self.toolbox.register("mate", self.crossover) self.toolbox.register("mutate", self.mutate) selection_algorithm = getattr(tools, sel) self.toolbox.register("select", selection_algorithm) # Potentially use Dask for multithreading if npartitions > 1: self.toolbox.register("map", self.dask_map) # Potentially standardize weights and scores if self.standardize_weights: self.compute_weight_stats()
[docs] def compute_weight_stats(self): """Compute scores for a bunch of random individuals to use for standardizing fitness scores and thus making weights interpretable as # of sd's better or worse than random individuals""" n_iter = 100 # Number of random individuals to generate weight_names = [x[0] for x in self.weights] fitnesses = pd.DataFrame(index=range(n_iter), columns=weight_names) for i in range(n_iter): ind = np.random.choice(range(self.library_size), self.n_desired, replace=False) fitnesses.loc[i, :] = self.eval_individual(ind, standardize=False) self.stds = fitnesses.std() self.means = fitnesses.mean()
[docs] def eval_individual(self, individual, standardize: bool = None): """Evaluate the fitness of the odorant set. Args: individual: A DEAP individual as registered above. standardize (bool, optional): Whether to standardize the resulting score. Returns: A fitness score. """ fitness = [] for weight_name, func_name, value in self.weights: if isinstance(func_name, str): f = getattr(self, "eval_%s" % func_name) component = f(individual, weight_name) elif isinstance(func_name, (tuple, list, set)): f, *args = func_name component = f(individual, *args) else: f = func_name component = f(individual) if self.standardize_weights and (standardize is not False): m = self.means[weight_name] s = self.stds[weight_name] component = (component - m) / s fitness.append(component) return fitness
[docs] def crossover(self, ind1, ind2) -> tuple: """Apply a crossover operation on input sets. Args: ind1: The first individual ind2: The second individual Returns: tuple: Two new individuals """ union = ind1 | ind2 x1 = random.sample(union, self.n_desired) x2 = random.sample(union, self.n_desired) ind1.clear() ind1.update(x1) ind2.clear() ind2.update(x2) assert len(ind1) == self.n_desired, "Individual smaller than desired size." assert len(ind2) == self.n_desired, "Individual smaller than desired size." if self.keep_cids is not None: ind1 = self.force_keep(ind1) ind2 = self.force_keep(ind2) return ind1, ind2
[docs] def mutate(self, individual) -> tuple: """Mutation that pops or adds some elements. Args: individual: An individual Returns: tuple: A new individual (wrapped in a tuple) """ N_MUTATIONS = 1 available = list(set(range(self.library_size)).difference(individual)) to_remove = random.sample(list(individual), N_MUTATIONS) to_add = random.sample(available, N_MUTATIONS) # Removes elements found in `to_remove` # XOR works here to remove `to_remove` because it can # only contain current members of the individial individual ^= set(to_remove) # Adds elements found in `to_add` individual |= set(to_add) assert len(individual) == self.n_desired, "Individual smaller than desired size." if self.keep_cids is not None: individual = self.force_keep(individual) return (individual,)
[docs] def force_keep(self, ind): """Ensure that the CIDs in `self.keep` get included Args: ind: An individual. Returns: An individual with certain additional items kept. """ # Consider only molecules for this individual # which are not in the keep set candidates = ind.difference(self.keep) # Keep only enough of those that there are room for to_add = set(random.sample(candidates, self.n_needed)) # Set this individual to contain this subset # of the candidates plus the keep set ind.clear() ind.update(to_add | self.keep) return ind
[docs] def run(self, pop=None, hof=None, quiet: bool = False) -> tuple: """Run the optimization Args: pop: The population to start with. hof: The Hall of Fame to start with quiet: (bool, optional): Whether to suppress stdout. Defaults to False. Returns: tuple: The population, stats, Hall of Fame, and logboox """ self.pop = pop if pop else self.toolbox.population( if hof is None: self.hof = tools.HallOfFame(self.n_gen) self.stats = tools.Statistics(lambda ind: self.stats.register("avg", lambda x: np.mean(x, axis=0)) def best(x): weight_names, weight_functions, weight_values = zip(*self.weights) scores = [[i].values, weight_values) for i in range(len(self.hof))] i = np.argmax(scores) return np.array([scores[i]] + list(self.hof.keys[i].values)) self.stats.register("best", best) f = algorithms.eaMuPlusLambda with suppress_stdout(quiet): self.pop, self.logbook = f( self.pop, self.toolbox,, self.lamda, self.p_cx, self.p_mut, self.n_gen, self.stats, halloffame=self.hof, ) return self.pop, self.stats, self.hof, self.logbook
[docs] def eval_mean(self, individual, column: str) -> float: """Evaluation the mean of column for the selected individual Args: individual: An individual. column (str): A column name from the library dataframe. Returns: float: The mean of that column, for the subset described by the individual """ return self.library.iloc[list(individual)][column].mean()
[docs] def eval_sum(self, individual, column: str): """Evaluation the sum of column for the selected individual Args: individual: An individual. column (str): A column name from the library dataframe. Returns: float: The sum of that column, for the subset described by the individual """ return self.library.iloc[list(individual)][column].sum()
[docs] def dask_map(self, f, x: list) -> list: """A mapping function for Dask. Used for multithreading. Args: f: Any function. x (list): A list of inputs to be sequentially passed to that function. Returns: list: A list of outputs from that function. """ x = db.from_sequence(x, npartitions=self.npartitions) return, x).compute()
[docs] def plot_score_history(self): """Plot the history of each of the scores over generations.""" rows = 2 cols = math.ceil((len(self.weights) + 1) / 2) fig, axes = plt.subplots(rows, cols, figsize=(20, 8)) scores = [x["best"][0] for x in self.logbook] axes[0, 0].plot(scores) axes[0, 0].set_title("Total") for j, (feature, stat, weight) in enumerate(self.weights): ax = axes.flat[j + 1] history = [x["best"][j + 1] for x in self.logbook] ax.plot(history) ax.set_title(feature) axes[0, 0].set_xlabel("Generation") plt.tight_layout()
[docs]class BetterFitness(base.Fitness): def __le__(self, other): return sum(self.wvalues) <= sum(other.wvalues) def __lt__(self, other): return sum(self.wvalues) < sum(other.wvalues)
[docs]def get_coverage(odorant_indices, space, sigma=2): """This function will be used to compute coverage of odorant space during optimization. We want non-selected odorants to be 'covered' as much as possible by selected ones""" ind = list(odorant_indices) return space.iloc[ind].max(axis=0).mean()
[docs]def get_entropy(odorant_indices, space, bins_per_dim=10): from scipy.stats import entropy """These function will be used to determine entropy of the selected odorants in the low-d manifold. We want the selected odorants to smoothly cover the available odorant space""" ind = list(odorant_indices) # Determine optimal bins in each dimension bins = {dim: np.histogram_bin_edges(space[dim], bins=bins_per_dim) for dim in ("X", "Y")} # Get the XY coordinates of the selected odorants in the embedding XY = space.iloc[ind].values # Compute a 2D histogram of selected odorant counts in each bin histXY = np.histogram2d(*np.array(XY).T, bins=(bins["X"], bins["Y"]))[0] # Compute the entropy of this histogram # Higher is flatter (less clustered) h = entropy(histXY.ravel()) return h
[docs]def get_spacing(odorant_indices, space, n=5): """These function will be used to determine the spacing between the selected odorants in the low-d manifold. We don't want to select odorants which are right next to each other in odorant space""" ind = list(odorant_indices) # Pairwise distances between selected odorants x = space.iloc[ind, ind].values # Unraveled (ignoring diagonal) x = x[np.triu_indices(len(ind), 1)] # Penalize the closest n odorant pairs return np.sort(x)[:n].mean()
# Example behavior: # np.set_printoptions(precision=2, suppress=True) # library = pd.read_csv('path/to/odorants.csv')# # weights = [('col1', 'mean', 1), # ('col2', 'sum', 2), # ('name3', (func, arg1, arg2), -3)] # optimizer = OdorantSetOptimizer(library, 25, weights, n_gen=25) # pop, stats, hof, logbook = # library.iloc[list(hof[0])]