Source code for pyrfume.westeros

"""Module for interacting with unpublished data from Westeros"""

import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform

import pyrfume

[docs]def get_x_embeddings(): emb_raw = pyrfume.load_data("westeros/embeddings.csv") emb = emb_raw[[x for x in list(emb_raw) if "emb_" in x]] emb = emb.dropna() return emb
[docs]def get_x_distances(embeddings): emb = get_x_embeddings() # Compute distance matrix. # This will give basically the same low-D embedding as using # raw high-dimensional embeddings does dist = pdist(emb, metric="euclidean") dist = squareform(dist) distances = pd.DataFrame(dist, index=emb.index, columns=emb.index) return distances